Wednesday, April 3, 2013

Update April 3, 2013

Sybil/Mom/MeMaw went this morning for her second chemo.  We've been praying for high white blood cell counts so that she could forego the Neulasta Shot tomorrow (which caused her much pain after the first chemo).  She did her bloodwork and before they started the chemo she was told that her bloodwork looked great and she would NOT have to take the Neulasta shot tomorrow.  Hallelujah!  Needless to say we are ecstatic.  Thanks for all of the prayers.  Please continue to pray for good bloodwork results and for an appetite!  Will keep you posted as news comes along.  We love you guys~


  1. Thank goodness! I know she was dreading going through the effects of that shot again. God is good. My prayers are coming your way Sybil! Another one down!!! Soon these treatments will be over and you can put them behind you forever. Love you.

  2. Yea! Many praises! Thankful for answered prayers. Covering you today with love and prayers. Delana
