Wednesday, May 15, 2013

Chemo today May 15, 2013

Mom went today for her 4th chemo.  Dr. Meshad gave her a good report.  Her tumor counts are constantly dropping.  They were very elated at her progress.  The white blood count was low so she has to get the Neulasta shot in the morning to boost that.  This afternoon, she had an appointment with the surgeon, Dr. Roy.  He said healing was going well.  Their conversation was more in depth this time and he will see her again after the 6th chemo and schedule a pet scan with a light to check for tumor activity.  He will know at that time where we stand.  We thank you for your prayers, calls, visits, and emails.  Please continue to pray for her leg pain that always follows a treatment.  They usually last 4 or 5 days and are really painful.  We love you all!


1 comment:

  1. Praises for good report. Praying for the leg pain for the coming days. Thankful that "It came to pass." NOT THAT IT CAME TO STAY. Sending love and prayers. Delana
